Frequently Asked Questions

Where do we deliver?
We offer free delivery in the Forest of Dean and surrounding areas.  The purple area on the map is an approximation of where we deliver to.  Other areas are sometimes possible upon arrangement with Charlie.  Orders are delivered in 2-3 days.


Delivery Area

How should I defrost my fish and seafood?

Defrost naturally on a grill rack so water drains off of fish as it defrosts.  Once soft enough, pull off ice layer from the fish.



Can my fish be cooked from frozen?

Yes you may cook your fish directly from frozen, but for best results, defrost fish and clear off excess ice before cooking.



How do I cook specialty fish products?

For best results cook directly from frozen in preheated oven set to 200 degrees Celsius.  Turn over product once halfway through cook time.



How long do the flash frozen fish products last in the freezer?

Flash frozen fish is best before 6 to 9 months.